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Saturday, March 30, 2019

Highlights - Week 13 of 52

After all the craziness last week, week thirteen was definitely one of rest.  

Here are the highlights...

I came across this gem on Instagram and it stuck with me all week! 💜

I took this photo while out running errands over the weekend.  This crazy dog has a custom-made mattress in the cab of Jim's truck and this is how she rides.....propped up on the console so she can see everything Jim sees.  

Freak.  😂

My biggest project this week was to organize my closet.  

Good should have seen it before I started!

Am I the only one who doesn't hang up their jeans??

I am a true Converse lover.  💙

I wish I could tell you this was my entire collection.


I was today-years-old when I found out that you can fit more sweatshirts in a smaller space by rolling them up.

Who knew??? 

Those sweatshirts take a beating.  I buy four or five every year from WalMart in the biggest sizes available.  

Every day after work, I change into pajamas.  "Pajamas" for me means knit capri pants. size BIG Polo tshirts (bottom cubbie below) and one of these huge sweatshirts.

Last but not baseball hats.  

I'll never get too old to wear baseball hats.  

You will see me strutting my 80-year-old stuff down the aisles of Target rocking one of these bad boys.  LOL! 😆

Next up......SHOES! 

Like my mama, my whole life has been a love affair with shoes.  💚 

The MS Walk is coming soon so I printed out these sweet little bee cards for Charlene to use as thank you cards for those who participate.  On the back, they say "I love you".  So cute!!

While I was printing and folding, I made a few note cards of my own.  

If you followed my old family blog (, you'll know that the phone ABOVE was taken at our bon voyage party when we moved from Texas to Minnesota.

I came across the whitneydaynesdesigns Etsy shop back in 2017 and asked her to create a watercolor copy of our family photo.  

This is what I used to make my personalized note cards.  

Remember that wood my neighbor and I snatched from the trash pile?  The photo (above) is what that beautiful rustic fence looks like.  Gorgeous! 💙

Remember those old windows that I carried in my backseat for almost a month?  

One has found a place above our liquor cabinet.  

I'm just not sure what I'm going to do with it yet.  😉

Doesn't my sweet Lauren look soooo cute in her EMT uniform?!  

I'm so dang proud of her!! 💜

When I read the quote above, I instantly thought of my job.  Most days I'm praying my way through the day for patience, for the chance to be a witness for Jesus, etc.  Needless to say, this one spoke to me.  

And then I came across this quote.  

LOL! 😁

If you're shocked about the F-bomb, you might not know me quite as well as you think.  According to my husband, I swear like a sailor.  He's right!  

And.....I love dirty jokes.

And.....well, you'll know me is to love me!  Haha!!