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Friday, March 8, 2019

Highlights - Week 3 of 52

Hey friends!! πŸ˜€

You know you’re in Texas when you see a something like this on your Instagram feed. 

I’ve got a list of people I can picture drinking wine from a Pringles can!

Toward the end of last week, Delanie came down with a virus. 

Sweet Jim took her to Care Now while I ran to the store at lunch and put together a first aid kit.  It made me think of Delanie when she was little.  ANYTHING could be cured with a bandaid and Neosporin. 

Stub your toe?  Bandaid + Neosporin

Headache?  Bandaid + Neosporin

Hurt feelings?  SPONGE BOB bandaid + Neosporin

Jim and I joke about it to this day.  If one of us is fussing about an ache or pain, the other asks: “Do you need a bandaid and Neosporin?”  

Haha! πŸ˜‰

Maci sent me this picture of Garrett coaching a basketball game.  Check out that navy sports coat & light blue shirt & power red tie. 

Go Garrett!! πŸ’œ

Wednesday was our baby girl’s 20th birthday. 


Since Jim was out of town, I met Delanie and Maci at Stonebriar Mall for a girls night out. 

I got there early so I could wonder through Dillards’ shoe department (be still my heart!) and, let me tell you, I was NOT disappointed. 

We had a quick dinner at California Pizza Kitchen where Delanie opened one of her birthday presents.  Y’all……I ordered this sweatshirt way back in NOVEMBER and just got it last week!

Delanie is a big fan of Demetrius Harmon and he raises mental health awareness through the sale of these YOU MATTER sweatshirts.  On one sleeve it says “I feel week” and on the other it says “But I am strong”.

Doesn’t that blue look amazing on her??

Then we went to see Mary, Queen of Scots. 

Seriously… is this cutie already 20 years old??

When Jim is out of town and I’m working, Ruger goes to doggie daycare.  This is the view in my rear view mirror after picking her up each evening. 

Once we were both settled in for the night – me in my pajamas and Ruger with a bully stick – we both sacked out on the couch holding hands. 

Check out the size of this beast’s paw!!

That’s it for this week, friends!!
