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Friday, April 5, 2019

Highlights - Week 14 of 52

Hi friends!

This week marked my sweet mama's 6th birthday in Heaven.  

While it's usually a time of celebration for me, this week has been a tough one.  

Just like every year, I picked up balloons to fill with helium.  We all wrote messages to Mom on the balloons and Jim and I released them.  

It's a quiet time of remembrance and while sometimes it makes me feel closer to her, this week was just the opposite.

The higher the balloons flew, the farther she felt.  

Dang, Mom.....we sure miss you down here! 💜

Our family has had their fair share of illness lately.  It was no surprise that I ended up at the neurologist's infusion clinic getting IV's for a migraine.

They even tried trigger point injections this time (see above).  

Because my neck, shoulder and back muscles had locked up on me, the doctor put about 47 lidocaine injections around the affected area.  

It looks horrible - and hurt like a bitch! - but it worked!

On a lighter note, look at this cutie!  Denise is back to her beautiful brunette self!!

She looks ten years younger.  💛  My bestie since 2nd grade, I would be lost without her.  

Next week is our annual MS Walk!  

I can't wait to see everyone in their new tshirts!! I'm typing this, Delanie and Hanna are off on an adventure!!

I'll tell you all about it next week.  

See you then, folks!!