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Friday, March 8, 2019

Life Lately - part two

Ready for part two?!  

Let's go! 😃

After the HILARIOUS birthday party, I was invited to open a booth at the Spirit Celebration competition.  

We worked for weeks to get ready for this sucker! 😀

Including HOURS of painting these porch posts.... transform them into these beauties.  

It was a stressful weekend but we had fun (like always!).

Lots of margaritas....
Lots of drama.....
Lots of laughing....
Lots of work....
Lots of sight-seeing....
Lots of FUN!! 😉

I got a sweet visit from my sweetie and his sweetie dog.  😃

This dog has completely stolen our hearts.  

She even has her own Instagram account....

Delanie got a new job at Starbucks!

After being in Texas almost a year, we finally got around to hanging some photos  

I had to include a few memories from Minnesota to make it complete.  

I'm really loving how the gallery wall turned out.  💙  And that church pew still gives me all the heart eyes.  😍

After all the hard work in the Fall, Christmas came quickly this year.  

Getting ready for Christmas supper.....

Beforehand, I had to make a big batch of moose munch.  It's so yummy, we might have to change the name to Christmas Crack.  

 After the presents were opened, the guys (and Ruger!) fell asleep.....

......while the girls made chocolate-covered pretzels.  

 Well friends, that's life lately around here.  

It's good to see you guys again! 💜