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Friday, March 15, 2019

Highlights - Week 10 of 52

This pretty much sums up my entire week. 

Ruger and I spent days in bed barely moving. 


I’ve never had it before – thank you Lord – and it kicked my bo-hiney! 

When I did get out of bed, it was not a pretty sight. 😐

It was a good thing that Jim was out of town because, if he’d seen me at my finest this week (ha!), it might have caused permanent damage to his sensibilities. 

My trusty sidekick kept me company as always. 

Speaking of the sidekick…..she always misses Jim so much when he’s out of town. She just stands at the door waiting for him. 

The best news from this week was that Garrett Todd passed his teaching exams!!! 

He and Maci celebrated by buying a brand new car!! I’m so proud of these cuties. They work so hard…..they deserve a sweet ride. 

I’m so ready for this weekend! 

If I get out of bed, it will be a miracle.