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Friday, March 8, 2019

Highlights - Week 5 of 52

Wowza….what a crazy week this was!!

Charlene came up on Tuesday and stayed through the weekend for the Spirit Celebration show at AT&T Stadium. 

I was off work Thursday and Friday.  That’s what I woke up to Thursday bright and early!  

Damn near wet myself! 😆

As soon as I got out of the bed, I turn back and see this.  Doesn’t it look like she’s laughing?

Like “hahaha……now I get the entire bed!”

Charlene and I stayed up late Wednesday night finishing everything for the booth so we could play on Thursday and Friday. 

On Thursday, we walked around downtown McKinney.  My favorite stop was to paint pottery in Walls of Clay. 

We both painted mugs and I painted a platter. 

The shop glazes and fires the pottery so I go back in a few weeks to pick them up.  I can’t wait! 😀

Friday was spent setting up our booth at AT&T Stadium. 

Charlene's house is divided.  She roots for the Saints and Lauren roots for the Cowboys.  

We just had to text Lauren this picture!  😉

And, since we cannot be together without goofing around, we explored around on the football field itself. 😍

Y’all…..this stadium is IMMACULATE!

Saturday morning came extra early.  

We were open for business at 6:30am. 😎

This competition was hosted by the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders so Charlene and I made a point of taking a break and getting our picture taken with them.  So fun! 😃

Jim and Ruger came up for a visit.  It still amazes me how well Ruger does in crowds like that.  Evidently that crazy dog was tired on the way home and needed a little help holding her head up.  (Insert eye roll here.)

OK, friends…..we are all caught up for 2019!!

See you next week! 💙